Live with Rachel Staggs Aesthetics

She is truly exceptional at what she does

"I have worked with Michelle personally over many years. She is truly exceptional at what she does. After years of therapy I finally found someone who 'got me'! When I decided to set up an online program to support my clients through lockdown I couldn’t think of anyone better equipped than Michelle to help me. We have run several Coach on the Couch Sessions, where Michelle spreads her Zelli magic. Michelle's live coaching is fab, helping our clients immensely and the feedback is exceptional. The delivery and content is always perfect and resonates with so many. Thank you Michelle for offering your expert advice during this crazy time.”

Rachel Staggs Aesthetics

Live with Kristina Rihanoff, Strictly Come Dancing Star & Yoga Mama

I am forever grateful

" I am forever grateful for her knowledge and methods which I apply now daily. I have led a pretty successful carer in TV and theatre for many years and I didn’t think that isolation will be a struggle for me, in fact I thought I would enjoy some rest. But as weeks went by I started feeling depressed and deflated which was very uncomfortable for me. The anxiety about my new business and the future kept me awake at night and so I knew I needed help with rewiring my brain and my attitude towards the current situation. Michelle was the only person I trusted to turn for advice and her session not only helped me with a personal breakthrough but also inspired me to look differently at my business and see the possibilities I didn’t see before."

Kristina Rihanoff - Strictly Come Dancing pro-dancer/choreographer and owner of Soo Yoga Wellbeing Centre

Epic Session

Absolutely epic session, exactly what I needed! Going to go for a walk and absorb.

Megan, London

Five minutes is all it took ….

Spend five minutes in Michelle’s company and she’s already given you very clear insights into new ways of looking at things and looking at yourself. We’ve only had a few online sessions with her but every time we come away with fresh ideas and so much to talk about - and plan for the future. She never shies away from what might be uncomfortable truths, but it’s always constructive and it’s always kind. And she delivers results!

Chris Poppe

17TH & 18TH JUNE

Official MC at Cannes Lions 2019


Thursday 20, 14:00 – 15:30 (1h 30min)

Unleash Your Creative Super Brain

Check Event


Sharing wisdom and engaging with an audience as we create magic and mirth.  I’ve been called a lot of things but one of my favourite’s is The Real Fairy Godmother as I conduct Q&A’s with a loving punch, wisdom, good humour and a healthy dose of pragmatism.

  • Meg’s Menopause Conference – Meg Mathews
  • Cannes Lions – MC for the week 2019
  • Cannes Lions – Two Workshops on Brain Training
  • Daring & Mighty Event Dinners, 2019
  • Personal Development Event of the Year, 2018

My own events Feminine SuperPowers, MZ in The Raw and Love Addiction, held at prestigious venues such as the Allbright and The Ned, were a sell out and a great success in 2017/2018.

I write regularly for magazines and have appeared on a wide range of radio and TV – see Press for more detail.


In 2019 I was asked to run a retreat by my clients.  It morphed into an exclusive Warrior Pathway Training for six brave women who spent four days facing their shadows and purging their pain.   It was such a great success that at the request of the guests WPR2 is scheduled for Spring 2020, this time by Lake Geneva.

WPR will be run for a new group, with creativity being at the hub, in Autumn 2020.

All retreats are by invitation only to ensure great connections, bonding and perfect alchemy.

“The session was the best two hours of my life. I was blown away by Michelle’s ability and intuition. There is no hiding from her, she will read you like a book.”
– Agnes, London

“She is a phenomenal speaker”

– Will Polston – Founder & Mindset Strategist

“Michelle is a straight shooter. Minutes into my first meeting with her I knew that her mix of empathy, directness, knowledge and determination was going to make the difference if I chose to go the journey.”
– Ernesto


Michelle covers a wide range of topics, designed and delivered for each unique audience. Perhaps her greatest USP is Live Coaching. No question is too deep, or too dirty, as she quickly gets to the nub of the issue – whether it’s facilitating a personal breakthrough or offering a simple piece of well honed advice.

When extraordinary intuition combines with extensive experience and expertise you can expect to witness the magic of engaging, powerful and transformative change work. MZ provides an incredible opportunity for people to bond, grow and share tears and laughter along the way.

Public speaking allows Michelle to guide an audience towards deeper self discovery and increasingly authentic life. Delivering life hacks for self knowledge, along with practical tools to help the audience take mindful control over their day to day thoughts, emotions and outcomes.

It’s often in our weirdness our true value lies! Michelle champions individual uniqueness and loves helping people to understand and accept the power of their many contradictions and facets. Together with designing audacious goals, whilst support success with tried and tested ways of moving forward.

Reviews of Michelle’s speaking have included “honest, audacious, energetic, humorous, vulnerable, powerful ….. and a little irreverent.”


Michelle covers a wide range of topics, designed and delivered for each unique audience. Perhaps her greatest USP is Live Coaching. No question is too deep, or too dirty, as she quickly gets to the nub of the issue – whether it’s facilitating a personal breakthrough or offering a simple piece of well honed advice.

When extraordinary intuition combines with extensive experience and expertise you can expect to witness the magic of engaging, powerful and transformative change work. MZ provides an incredible opportunity for people to bond, grow and share tears and laughter along the way.

Public speaking allows Michelle to guide an audience towards deeper self discovery and increasingly authentic life. Delivering life hacks for self knowledge, along with practical tools to help the audience take mindful control over their day to day thoughts, emotions and outcomes.

It’s often in our weirdness our true value lies! Michelle champions individual uniqueness and loves helping people to understand and accept the power of their many contradictions and facets. Together with designing audacious goals, whilst support success with tried and tested ways of moving forward.

Reviews of Michelle’s speaking have included “honest, audacious, energetic, humorous, vulnerable, powerful ….. and a little irreverent.”



What a fantastic day!

What a fantastic day! Feminine SuperPowers were truly igniting curiosity, inviting change. Thank you to all the speakers, truly an inspiring day.

This is a super powerful year, the start of something powerful.

Meg Matthews – Meg’s Menopause, London

How wonderful to be transcended

How wonderful to be transcended into an enchanting world created by women to enhance and empower the lives of EVERY WOMAN! One in which a multitude of emotions cascaded through me, not only was I captivated, inspired, curious, totally at ease, able to relate but also I learned invaluable information that I am proud to share with my sisterhood.

Adela King – Bravo TV, London

Just wanted to say a huge thank you Michelle

Just wanted to say a huge thank you Michelle for such an amazing, informative, heart opening, mind expanding day.
I am looking forward to spreading your message to the Universe and to all that I meet along my journey… grateful for your inspirational, real, raw, true, authentic words of wisdom!

Nikki Flook, London

Michelle brings an electrifying vivacity

Michelle brings an electrifying vivacity to the world of self-discovery and personal development. She is approachable and relatable to anyone and inspires you to seek out your feminine superpowers and harness that power. Regardless of age, sex or circumstance.”

Caggie Dunlop, London

I just wanted to say thanks

I just wanted to say thanks very much for all you have taught me so far. I would never have survived something like this without all the work I have done with you.

I feel emotional but incredibly grateful that I have made the progress that I have and I credit a huge part of that to you.

I am crying now so I will stop but they are happy tears!

From mousey to power housey – Sandra, London

Michelle herself is so inspiring

I was so excited about Michelle’s event, but I had no idea just how incredible it would be. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many light bulb moments in one day!

Michelle herself is so inspiring. The unapologetic way in which she owns herself, flaws and all, is truly refreshing. I loved the way there was never any judgment, no right or wrong and no need to feel shame when sharing our experiences. There was such a beautiful and safe energy in the room which allowed us all to be open, honest and vulnerable. I’ve already started to put her ideas and advice in to practice and I know there’s a huge shift just around the corner. Thank you Michelle!

Megan Rose Lane, London

There was hypnosis

There was hypnosis, sound baths and a lot of learning about how to unleash our inner super powers!

I love their approach to Feminine Feminism and all their teachings of setting intentions, law of attraction and the cosmic world.

I honestly couldn’t recommend it more! I’m flying out today on a high!

Roxie Nafousi – Blogger, Writer & Mental Health Foundation Ambassador, London

Thank you for the wonderful and very energizing and inspiring presentation

I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful and very energizing and inspiring presentation you gave at Megs menopause conference. What a magnificent way to end the day on a subject that is causing a lot of distress for many of us. It was the 1st conference I have attended that I ended up on stage dancing the energy in the room was powerful. I and many others left feeling uplifted. We have this and the best is to come.

Breeda MLWR, London



What a fantastic day!

What a fantastic day! Feminine SuperPowers were truly igniting curiosity, inviting change. Thank you to all the speakers, truly an inspiring day.
This is a super powerful year, the start of something powerful.”

Meg Mathews, Megs Menopause

How wonderful to be transcended

How wonderful to be transcended into an enchanting world created by women to enhance and empower the lives of EVERY WOMAN! One in which a multitude of emotions cascaded through me, not only was I captivated, inspired, curious, totally at ease, able to relate but also I learned invaluable information that I am proud to share with my sisterhood.

Adele King, Bravo TV, London

Just wanted to say a huge thank you Michelle

Just wanted to say a huge thank you Michelle for such an amazing, informative, heart opening, mind expanding day.
I am looking forward to spreading your message to the Universe and to all that I meet along my journey… grateful for your inspirational, real, raw, true, authentic words of wisdom!”

Nicki Flook, London

Michelle brings an electrifying vivacity

Michelle brings an electrifying vivacity to the world of self-discovery and personal development. She is approachable and relatable to anyone and inspires you to seek out your feminine superpowers and harness that power. Regardless of age, sex or circumstance.

Caggie Dunlop, London

Michelle herself is so inspiring

I was so excited about Michelle’s event, but I had no idea just how incredible it would be. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many light bulb moments in one day!
Michelle herself is so inspiring. The unapologetic way in which she owns herself, flaws and all, is truly refreshing. I loved the way there was never any judgment, no right or wrong and no need to feel shame when sharing our experiences. There was such a beautiful and safe energy in the room which allowed us all to be open, honest and vulnerable. I’ve already started to put her ideas and advice in to practice and I know there’s a huge shift just around the corner. Thank you Michelle!”

Megan Rose Lane, London

There was hypnosis

There was hypnosis, sound baths and a lot of learning about how to unleash our inner super powers!
I loved her approach to Feminine Feminism and all the teachings of setting intentions, law of attraction and the cosmic world.
I honestly couldn’t recommend it more! I’m flying out on a high!”

Roxie Nafousi – Blogger, Writer & Mental Health Foundation Ambassador, London


Thank you for the wonderful and energising and inspiring presentation

I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful and energising and inspiring presentation you gave at Megs Menopause Conference. What a magnificent way to end the day on a subject that is causing a lot of distress for many of us. It was the 1st conference I have attended that I ended up on stage dancing, your energy is powerful. I and many others left feeling uplifted.

I honestly couldn’t recommend it more! I’m flying out on a high!”

Breeda, MLWR, London

Warrior Pathway Retreat

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for inviting me to be a part of what turned out to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
To share, connect and grow with complete strangers in a judgement free zone was truly special. And I allowed myself to be vulnerable and cry (ok sob) in front of others. How you’ve wonderfully cracked me open! I participated in things I would have rolled my eyes at a year ago but they felt so natural and right. I can’t wait to do more! Your ability to guide someone, sense what they need and ask the right questions is remarkable. And the healing hasn’t stopped just because the weekend ended. Since coming home I continue to shed layers, connect with myself, gain clarity, get comfortable in my skin, not care what people think. I could go on and on. I’m just becoming more me and I love it! And it’s happening so fast! So thank you, thank you wonderful, beautiful warrior woman! I hope you know what a treasure you are.

Cyndy, NY

My experience at the WPR was simply magical.

I have found a connection beyond explanation and the magic we shared has been since one of my secrets weapons whenever I feel being bounced back.
I have found a much clearer voice and find it much easier to say what I think and feel more aligned with myself. I still have my cards in my diary they accompany me wherever I am going and remind me of my message.
I am contemplating as much and ready for what’s next as I know everything is just as it has to be the universe knows and I know I have the support and after all I was one of the lucky ones to be part of WPR.

With love and gratitude, Brigitte xxx

Previous Projects

Feminine SuperPowers

 FSP is a dynamic collaboration of creativity, spirituality and sensuality. Three women on a mission to empower in mind blowing ways,  fusing ancient wisdom and modern science to create a platform for fast and lasting change.

With the help of The Universe and solid, stylish and loving support with a twist FSP blends an edgy, glam vibe with heart and soul.

Created for people who love to learn, vibe and grow, FSP Events are held in 5 star venues with a rock star feel, making a difference on a scale previously impossible.


Speaking Subjects



Self Mastery



If you would like Michelle to speak at your event, please get in touch.

Contact Michelle