A new breed of women just took centre stage. Strong, sexy, successful and independent. Thanks to JLo and Shakira, the world is talking about Hot Older Women – and the younger men who love them.  Forget the MILF Tag (4th 2019 porn chart search). Let’s talk about real relationships, meeting of minds, hearts and souls.

Why do younger guys like to date a HOW? A wise older woman has ‘done the work’ – she’s laundered her issues, is worldly and aware, with a wicked sense of humour that’s helped retain her sanity. She’s not interested in drama, nit picking, controlling or nonsense.
A HOW knows a gem is a rarity and will reward with loyalty, support, intelligence and creativity…. Not to mention love, the real kind, we don’t waste time on kidders or players.
A 50+ woman is truly comfortable in her skin, who knows what she brings to the table, is confident with her sexuality too, an asset from the boardroom to the bedroom.
Straight speaking, no games, we ask for what we want and know we won’t always get it & compromise with a smile.
Sure, we can be a little hard to handle, demanding and even a teeny bit diva but the benefits are worth the effort you’ll need to put in. Today’s HOW knows who she is, has succeeded on her terms and built a life she’s willing to share only with the right person. She doesn’t need a man but when she finds the right one he will be appreciated greatly and left in no doubt that he’s loved.
We tend to like alpha’s (not macho) – guys who get things done, who do what they say, no messing. We might be high maintenance but the great thing is we maintain ourselves. Sure we love trinkets and baubles, five star and high class but we’re down to earth and know what really matters.
YOU WHO! It’s your time to stand up, be counted and bring your unique life experience and gifts to the table for a lucky man to share. No more hiding in the wings. Too many wonderful women have given up on the male species. Perhaps the answer is to start dating younger?
I haven’t dated my own age since 45, perhaps I’ll share a few things I’ve learned someday but for now here’s to you!
@jlo @shakira #hotolderwomen #loveislove #datingcoach #olderwomen