“Don’t die with your music still in you’ Perhaps my spiritual Mentor, Wayne Dyer’s, best known wisdom.

What’s your natural rhythm, pitch and tone for living?
Are you slow and classical or a true hard-die raver at heart? What gets you boogying down on the dance floor of life?

Can you imagine. A world without music? No beat, no brass, saxless, jazzanono ……… a bleak thought indeed.

‘Music is the food of love’ waxed lyrical Will Shakespeare. Can there really be anything more emotive? When ‘that’ song from a decade – or more – ago is played and instantly we feel transported back to the place, the person and the time. Every sense fired up and engaged. Some lucky ones have a body rhythm, feeling music in every cell and translate through cool moves we call dance.

By the age of two I was having dusters strapped to my feet, The Beach Boys blaring on the record player, as I merrily twisted my way across my Grandmothers Parquet floor. Dusting, dancing and domestic doing, all in one! Minus the dusters, truthfully not much has changed!

When you’re born with the music in you, may it never leave. Music was a life saver for me through the desolate wilderness of my teenage years. Marc Bolan would sing to me, he understood my plight “Whatever happened to the teenage dream?” Through to the less obviously profound Telegram Sam,. I, of course, created a magical meaning for his metaphorical musings. I hung onto and dissected his every word, heard each nuance and felt the music in every cell of my being.

My first concert was an outdoor event, at Blackbushe Airport, in Hampshire. I had to lie and cheat to get there but I didn’t care. Almost 16, I arrived the night before it started and spent the night taking acid tabs around a huge camp fire with huge, hairy bikers. Different bottles of spirit were passed around. Take a swig and pass it on. Dear God, now we’d need antiseptic wipes and a Herpes testing kit but hey, they were different times and I was a displaced girl trying to make sense of a big, mad world.

I queued at the big wire fence from 5am. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, nor what to expect. I knew I was seeing Clapton, Dylan and Joan Armatrading. All a little beyond my generation but I was immersed In the vibe and seemingly found my tribe. I picked up a waif by sharing my sardine sandwiches. I can’t imagine he’d washed for many a week and would have given Swampy a run for his money! It was certainly an adventure I will never forget. No sooner do I hear an old Dylan song and off I go, back to Blackbushe and losing my festival virginity.

It hadn’t taken me long to lose the guy-friend I went with, he was a veteran when it came to music and had taught me so much. I can thank him for my initiation into Clapton, Cooder and JJ Cale. For which I will be eternally grateful.

I have little memory of the next three days. I can’t even remember what I took, where I slept or who I was with. Which might be down to copious amounts of booze and drugs or it could just be the forty year interval. It’s also very likely that The Balckbushe Experience blew me away……I got crazy, dazy and it’s oh so hazy!

Where would we be today without our music? Playlists to capture every mood. Whether sad, bad, mad or just damned glad… we clean, shag, cook, dance, bathe – it’s all music magic!

What’s your current beat and tone? Your rhythm or your blues.? Dance, dance dance with life
………… to your rhtym, your beat and your tune.

Make the pledge to be the DJ of your life vibe!

“Don’t let the music die within you! “ MZ🌷