‘Before you judge someone walk a miles in their shoes.’    Eminem

When we stop judging ourselves, we’re able to re-connect with our creativity and childlike playfulness and curiosity.

After weeks of intense creativity, now my work really begins.  Already anticipating the self care needed to avoid getting sucked into that old, familiar black hole of self judgement, attack, doubt and fear.

Subconscious minds like to re-create the feelings we experienced during childhood.

When we’re weakened and depleted due to tiredness, illness, stress etc. The old, familiar voices in our head will start.  We don’t have to listen to them, they’re just words, unless we give them meaning.

Many people don’t realise a burst of creativity or a massive leap of life both are often followed by ‘down’ time.  It’s easy to spiral into feeding this state and believing the doubts and fears you’re hearing.

Just because our fears have failed to stop us on this occasion, don’t think they’ve gone away, they’re just lying in wait, for a vulnerable moment.

My fear voices have already started and so far I have responded well with ………….  ‘I will find a way to learn from that.  I know I need to continue my self care when I travel.  Rather than abandon it with the first glass of holiday fizz at the airport!”

  1. I must stay clear about trusting the universe.
  2.  I must stay out of the way of old negative thought patterns.   Instead holding the faith and      allowing the universe to guide me.
  3.  I must return to full non-holiday vibe self care routine

After an intense period of creation and magic it’s important to schedule down time.  Do you sometimes judge yourself if you’re tired, have creative block or just feeling deflated?

I’ve heard amazingly creative people describe this feeling as ‘depression’ and reach for medication.   Humans seem to have cultivated a false expectation that we should always feel good and everything should work out as we envisage.

When you feel on creative fire, lost in the vibe, downloads coming from a magical place you know you’re in flow and living on purpose.  No matter how intoxicating the feeling, it’s also knackering and depleting.  Fresh green juices will help me back on track, daily walking in nature too, along with pushing myself to drink gallons of water (I just don’t like the stuff! 🙂

Every creative person has their flow.  Rather than judging, lean into it, expect gifts and guidance from the universe.  The trick here is to stay slow and watch carefully. Without stories. This is one of the most important times for integrating and universal connection and it doesn’t always feel good, or come easily!

At last I’m learning and have pre-empted by scheduling two days off, followed by a weekend of nature and un-plugged-ness.  I now anticipate the creative flow, each of us have a clear rhythm once we can see our triggers and waves.  A deep understanding and acceptance of your flow could change your creative world.  It has mine!