When you’re the product of a dysfunctional but passionate union between a glamorous playboy bunny mother and a handsome prize fighting father, life is likely to be colourful! 

In 1961, I was born in Teddington, a West London Suburb.  Adopted at a young age within a toxic family system. I was destined to spend several decades searching for respite from the impact of emotional scarring, which played out in pretty much every area of my life.

I left home at 16, on a mission for self-reliance. By the age of thirty I’d made it to the dizzy heights of Sales Director and before the big four-oh bagged the same role, only this time within a CV-desirable blue chip company. This level of success would add significantly to my personal stock. I went on to become MD of the UK’s largest TV post production company. My career success was staggering bearing in mind I was ‘never expected to amount to anything.’ The price for my success was high but the drug was a sense of achievement/purpose I had never previously experienced.  Being brought up to believe I wasn’t valuable or lovable has a wide range of implications. This particular wounding often results in an adult feeling compelled to work and succeed with great intensity. We’re prepared to sacrifice pretty much anything along the way to feed the need to feel as though we matter, no matter how fleetingly.

Finding my real father, pretty much on a whim, in my early 40’s led to a full-blown mental and emotional breakdown. My unscheduled stay in The Priory was followed by several months of emotional wreckage, I was unable to function.  My nervous system meltdown, together with a yearning for a different me and a different life trajectory, fuelled my courage to jump from my corporate career path.  I developed a quickly escalating passion for understanding human behaviour and wounding and I soon realised I was on a mission to prove a point……  The point being that our past doesn’t have to dictate who we become.  I worked on my own wounding, whilst practicing heightened conscious awareness.  Recording my progress and noting down nuances, accelerators and wins. I had unwittingly become my own laboratory. I found myself able to create processes that work in the art of channelling childhood adversity into an adult life of greatness. It’s become my coaching ‘thing’ and I love it.

After my break down, 15 years ago, my own transformation wasn’t easy but it led me to the doors of experts around the world.  I gained experience and wisdom which formed a sturdy platform to fly my dreams.  People were soon asking me to help them curate a life they loved.  My new career was born, immersed in my passion for growth, I became a Coach.  Now, for more than a decade, my name has become synonymous with top level coaching of successful people from every country, every culture and from every walk of life.

My journey from childhood has certainly had an effect on my coaching. The wounding left me with Complex PTSD, attachment struggles, a fear of intimacy and an off the scale love addiction….. And that’s just for starters.  By learning intimately about these adaptations (I refuse to consider them as disorders) I am able to regain control of my life and it’s wow factor! I also have the benefit of understanding a client pathway, often from the inside out. No textbook coaching, or off the shelf programs, can compare.  I began utilising a fusion of what worked for me.  Shamanic wisdom, leading edge neuro-science, quantum physics, spiritual mentors, renowned therapists and a raft of other teachings gathered over 15 years. A well-honed and powerful intuition guides me to curate a program as individual and unique as each client.

I have recently started Feminine SuperPowers Events which offer Five Star immersive coaching days solely for women.

Female empowerment is a subject very close to my own heart, like many women I have overcome the usual pitfalls of living in a male dominated business world and society. I love to teach all types of women how they can do the same. I encourage women to channel their inner diva. It’s time to stop apologising for being demanding, discerning and determined.  As a coach I collaborate with individuals embarking on self-mastery, ready to own their power, their purpose and their potential.

I ask clients to define their ideal inner feminist self-expression.  How do you want to show up in this moment of opportunity and potential?

2018 marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity, fairness and long overdue change.  Women are rising up and owning their power.  Power to choose and power to be whoever the hell we want to be.  There’s never been a better time to be a woman, stand up to full height and explore our many facets and the wealth of opportunity.

After our first Feminine SuperPowers Event was held only in August last year at The Corinthia Hotel in London, we were amazed it sold out two weeks prior to the event!

Next on the agenda I’m heading to LA in April, to discuss a TV series and a potential movie based on my coaching and my life as well as looking at a foray into the chat show world, it’s a great way to spread the word whilst entertaining.

Feminine SuperPowers Events are taking off with amazing success and our next is on 9th June, with further events in the pipeline around the world.   Already confirmed for the next few months are live coaching dates, ‘Evenings with MZ’ and salons. Covering subjects relevant to today’s modern woman and #himtoo.  All of this is a dream come true – especially meaningful perhaps, for a girl who wasn’t supposed to amount to much!

My mission is to prove our history doesn’t have to dictate who we become, or define our life.  I believe we’re blessed to be born at this time.  We have the resources to help us grow, learn and morph into the best version of ourselves.   We are the first generation of women who have the opportunity to earn our own money, to be truly independent, have a voice and go wherever we want to go. It’s now about growing our feminine muscle and getting ourselves out there.

In a nutshell my mission is to help people tap into their ‘sweet spot’ and find their unique place in this new world.  To fulfil potential, whilst having fun, loving life and dancing to our own beat!  Bring it on ladies, we have a world to change, starting with our own!